Sunday, February 1, 2009

Silver and Gold Lock In

On January 30-31, the Older Girls from Hilton Head and Bluffton gathered to work on Interest Projects and Studio 2b Focus Books. There was 34 girls in attendance from grades 7-12. The girls earned their Your Own Business, Women's Health and Games for Life Interest Projects. Beth Green, The Music Lady presented The Performing Arts IP. Through this badge the girls learned how to teach the Brownies songs for the evening campfire.

The Older Girls also planned the Brownie Campfire Camporee. The girls taught the Brownies about Campfire safety, how to build an edible fire, Make fire kiss starter, and cook a chicken dinner in a foil packet. The Brownies also washed their dishes outside and hung them to dry. After dinner the Older Girls led the Brownie in a campfire complete with songs and s'mores.

The Brownies listen as the Older Girls conduct their opening ceremony.

An edible campfire. Yum-O!

Older Girls wait for the fire to burn down so that they could cook their dinner.

Making Fire starters from old candles and waxpaper.